Saturday, July 17, 2010

Actor Robert Kestler re-caps his Water for Elephants filming experience


WFE Film blog has this exclu­sive with Robert Kestler who was an extra on the set of Water For Ele­phants. In it he men­tions work­ing with Robert Pattinson:


“The cast, namely Robert, Reese and Christoph were truly amaz­ing. Each one truly gen­uine and kind. Work­ing with two Oscar win­ners and a future Oscar win­ner was amaz­ing. Robert Pat­tin­son will show the world with this movie his ver­sa­til­ity and depth as an actor. The fight scenes between Robert and Christoph were true genius. Both on the part of the actors and the fact they did the fights themselves.






Read the rest of the inter­view here

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