Monday, July 5, 2010

Wax Rob - "King of Kisses"

Twilight star Robert Pattinson is top of the snogs – after being named as the star whose wax likeness landed the highest number of kisses.

His figure at London tourist attraction Madame Tussauds has been identified as the most kissed by visitors over the past year.

Vampire movie actor Pattinson beat second-placed Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe in the list to mark Tuesday’s National Kissing Day.

The top female star was named as Dame Helen Mirren, while a surprise fourth-place entry was Mayor of London Boris Johnson.

Staff at Tussauds compiled the list from their own observations as fans pounced on the models and also from maintenance records – to see which figures needed to be cleaned most often.

Guests often plant a peck on Pattinson’s cheeks as they post for photos, they said.

Spokeswoman Liz Edwards said: “A lot of puckering up goes on here at Madame Tussauds London and our studios team are on a constant clean-up mission where some celebrities are concerned.

“Robert Pattinson has been an instant hit with the ladies since he joined the attraction in March and Daniel Radcliffe has attracted more and more attention from female fans as Harry Potter fever starts to build up in the run-up to the final film release.

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