Friday, November 26, 2010

Another New Picture of Rob from recent Photo Shoot - Detagged & Made Bigger

Y'all know the drill by now but I shall tell you again:
Tags should only be embedded by the images legal owner. Neither the source we got them from nor the entity that tagged them is the legal owner, therefore we cannot post them with their tags or source how we acquired them. If everyone plays by theses rules, we will have more beautiful pictures of Rob to enjoy!

Click for bigger :)


  1. Thanks for delete the tag. I don't understand the stupid habit of fansites of tagging photos that are not theirs. "If everyone plays by theses rules, we will have more beautiful pictures of Rob to enjoy!" You're absolutely right.

  2. I have to say that I don't understand the tagging deal either... if it's your work like an edit or en enhancement I understand signing it but just the outtake? We all know who gets the outtakes in this fandom... is public knowledge no need to tag them ALL the freaking time in my humble opinion...

    IDK if I were the one with access to these outtakes I would post them and just share them because I want to share them, not because I get fame or recognition out of it... I just don't understand this Battle of egos... and frankly I think is ridiculous since it's not her/his work... she/he is not the photographer who took them... *shrugs*

    Thank you anyways and I completely agree with you
