Friday, October 8, 2010

Bel Ami: Robert Pattinson, a womanizer à la Maupassant

Among the 250 trail­ers pre­sented at the Con­grès des exploitants 2010, Bel Ami’s trailer was a fine cut. Indeed, the images from the great friends’ movie,directed by Declan Donel­lan and Nick Ormerod ( unknown from the gen­eral pub­lic) , which deals with the most famous novel from Guy de Mau­pas­sant, and it was a pre­miere.. Type Bel Ami on Google and you won’t even have a sin­gle image !
The first great adul­ter­ous story
So it’s Stu­dio canal who will have the plea­sure to release the film with a daz­zling cast­ing: Robert Pat­tin­son, is the lead man , Cristina Ricci is his mis­tress Clotilde de Marelle and Uma Thur­man is the gor­geous Mme Forestier. And don’t for­get Kristin Scott Thomas and Colm Meaney.
For those who were bad pupils at school , the story is about the social climb­ing of Georges Du Roy, an ambi­tious and seduc­tive man, who worked at the rail­way office , who climbed to the top of the Parisian social lad­der thanks to his mis­tresses and their influ­ence on the finan­cial, the press and the pol­i­tics world. Bel-Ami is per­haps the roman­tic novel that lured a lot of screen­writ­ers and direc­tors who cre­ated a dozen adaptations!
Thnx to RPattz­Club for the translation

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